Pleasure Seeks Purpose
In the hectic pace of daily life, many dream of a break, a respite from the stresses of work, a chance to savour the sweet nothingness of leisure. Yet, fate has its peculiar ways, and certainly for me, that pause came too unexpectedly during a recent game of tennis. A misjudged swing sent the ball zipping at full force, connecting unfortunately with my eye. The result? A temporary retreat, prescribed by my doctor, away from screens and bright lights.
At first, this unexpected break felt like a gift. I envisioned languid mornings and carefree days, free from emails, meetings, commutes and engagements. After all, work has recently been all too consuming for me. I thought it would be lovely to finally indulge in some leisure and perhaps even personal hobbies.
However, as the days slipped by in my recovery, the allure of inactivity began to fade, leaving in its wake a familiar void—a strange emptiness that I’d felt before overly long holidays. It wasn’t a simple sign of a workaholic’s withdrawal but a deeper realisation of the need for purpose. I found myself missing the sense of direction and fulfillment that came from engaging in my daily pursuits.
This idleness prompted a deep reflection on how purpose weaves itself our lives, not just through leisure, but in our careers and contributions to the world. It dawned on me that while leisure offers moments of respite, it is the pursuit of meaningful goals that fills our days with richness and intent. Our careers, our daily interactions, the striving to achieve and create, all these are what imbue our lives with significance.
So often, life presents us with choices: pursue purpose, or follow the path of hedonism—a pursuit of pleasure for its own sake. Through this unexpected pause, I understood that those who choose to live solely for pleasure find the thrill fleeting and often elusive. They end up on a Sisyphean chase that does not reward true enjoyment. True enjoyment arises from a fulfilling life where purpose is the guiding compass in our human experience. It is perhaps understandable that those without a clear sense of purpose in life often gravitate towards fleeting pleasures, unfortunately finding themselves aimlessly wasting away their precious existence, unable to escape the labyrinth of emptiness that literally robs their lives.
As my eye healed and I prepared to rejoin the world, but I did so with a revitalised appreciation for what work really means. I understood that it’s not just about embracing the freedom to rest which we often seek, but about relishing the value of work that provides purpose and context to that rest. Ultimately, purpose is what enables happiness.