How To Truly Be Alive

During a memorable journey, I once found myself on a modest ferry cruising through the night. The ferry humbly made its way across the river when rain fell unexpectedly with delicate drops gently caressing the surface. That night felt so different from all other nights, as if the universe itself conspired to create a moment suspended in time. Somehow unlike all other rain, often an event of inconvenience, the gentle drizzle transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary, the lights softened into a dreamy blur, the cityscape morphed into something ethereal, and the air felt surprisingly warm, each raindrop awakened my very senses. As the ferry swayed gently on the river as I stood against its railings and later on its deck embracing the rainy night, I felt a profound sense of connection—to the world, to the instant, and to the very essence of life itself. It was a night where every element in life conspired to remind me of the sheer wonder of being alive. In that fleeting moment, amidst the melodic patter of rain and the gentle sway of the ferry, I experienced a profound sense of aliveness that verged on the sublime. (The sublime is something I’ve mused about recently in one of my vlogs).

It was a stark contrast to the daily grind that often shrouds our lives in a veil of numbness. How often do we lose touch with this raw sense of existence, letting the days blur into a seamless monotony? It seems weeks meld into each other and our lives become encased in the rhythm of daily routines, that sense of vivid aliveness often fades. So many of us drift through life as if in a dream, detached from the world around us. Herein lies the wisdom of existentialism and the teachings of Jean-Paul Sartre, who insightfully remarked, “man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.” (You may check out my vlog on this quote, if you’ve missed it).

Sartre’s philosophy teaches us that with freedom comes the burden of choice. Every moment, we stand at a crossroads, each decision molding our essence. Cruising along that rain-kissed river that night, I felt the enormity of this freedom. To feel alive, recognise that your life is a series of choices—each charged with potential. Break free from the inertia of routine, make deliberate choices, and take ownership of your destiny.

Existentialists view life as inherently absurd, devoid of preordained meaning or a cosmic script. The delicate raindrops falling into the river underscored this beautiful absurdity—a dance with no predefined steps. Embrace the absurd by finding joy in the unexpected and meaning in the mundane. Play, laugh, love and engage with the world, even if it seems nonsensical.

To live authentically means aligning your actions with your true self, free from societal masks, conventions, rules and pretenses. Beneath the stars and the drizzle, there was nothing but raw, unfiltered existence beckoning. Ask yourself, who are you beneath the roles you play? Shed the layers of imposed identity and connect with your core. In doing so, you’ll reclaim a liberating and profound aliveness.

In a world often marked by conformity, finding individuals who live with fire in their hearts is a rarity. As I immersed myself in that moment, it dawned on me how few people truly are passionate or pursue their passions. These passionate souls are beacons of authenticity, blazing trails where others see barriers. They engage deeply with life, driven by a courageous love for life that surpasses superficial restraints and inspire others to do the same. Seek out these rare kindred spirits, for they remind us of the beauty in living passionately. When you find them, cherish these connections, for they are the spark that can also ignite your own flame.

Existentialists view angst not as a paralysing force but as a catalyst for action. It’s the recognition of our profound freedom and the endless possibilities that lie before us. Amid the serene beauty of my night, I felt a pang of existential angst—a reminder of life’s brevity and my responsibility to live fully. Let this awareness propel you into action. Let your anxieties about the future drive you to carve out meaning in the present.

Life doesn’t come with inherent meaning; it’s ours to create. Every day is an opportunity to weave your own narrative. The raindrops on the river didn’t ask for meaning; the inevitable transience of the moment didn’t ask for meaning—they simply existed in their brief beauty. Ask yourself, what gives your life meaning? Cultivate passions, pursue dreams, and build connections that resonate with your essence. Love deeply and passionately, for love is a force that breathes life into our days, making the ordinary extraordinary. In these endeavors, you’ll find profound purpose and vitality.

Existentialist thought often grapples with the tension between the finite and the infinite. Moments of transcendence—those deep, ineffable experiences—bridge the gap. During my rainy ferry ride with the city’s blurry lights painting a surreal scene, I felt connected to something greater than myself. Seek these moments of transcendence in your life. Whether it’s through art, nature, or human connection, allow yourself to be lifted beyond the confines of the mundane.

Life may be absurd, but that shouldn’t deter us from action. Sartre believed in the power of committed action, even in the face of existential absurdity. Feel alive by engaging fully with the world, championing causes you believe in, and making a tangible impact. Let your actions reflect your convictions, and through them, find a deeper sense of aliveness.

In the spirit of existentialism, embrace your freedom, confront the absurd, and craft your own narrative. Life is a series of moments—each imbued with potential for depth, joy, and meaning.

As you navigate your journey, remember my ferry ride. The fleeting beauty of the drizzle is a testament to the transient nature of existence. Live authentically, cherish each moment, create your meaning, and let your life be a testament to the choices you make. Live boldly, embrace the absurdity of life, love passionately, and always remember that you are the architect of your own existence.


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