A Kierkegaardian Way to Netflix and Chill
As the late evening sun fades into twilight, you sink into the soft embrace of your favourite armchair, weary from the day’s endeavours. With a steaming cup of tea in hand, you decide to turn on Netflix, the modern sanctuary of endless stories and escapades. As the familiar red logo flickers to life, it’s easy to lose oneself in the enticing abyss of binge-worthy shows and films. But have you ever paused to wonder what lies beneath this comforting ritual? With Søren Kierkegaard’s profound insights as our guide, let’s delve into the deeper, often overlooked dimensions of your evening Netflix indulgence.
Søren Kierkegaard introduces us to the concept of angst or existential anxiety, which arises from the vast array of possibilities and the freedom of human choice. Netflix, with its boundless catalogue, amplifies this anxiety. Should we watch a thriller, a romance, or a documentary? Each choice, however trifling it might seem, reflects our deeper existential dread—the fear of making the “wrong” choice, missing out on the best use of our time. Thus, we can see how Netflix mirrors life’s broader anxiety, where freedom and choice bring not only opportunity but also paralysis.
Kierkegaard categorises life into three stages: the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious. Let us map these stages onto the Netflix experience:
Aesthetic Stage: Here, one’s life is driven by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of boredom. This is the stage where binge-watching thrives—seeking immediate gratification in the latest show or film. While it provides temporary joy, it often leads to dissatisfaction as the novelty wears off. Thus, in endless streams of content, we find not fulfilment, but fleeting amusement.
Ethical Stage: Transitioning to an ethical existence involves embracing responsibility and making commitments. Watching Netflix in moderation can be part of an ethical life if chosen responsibly. It means setting boundaries, making intentional choices, and balancing leisure with life’s duties. Here, Netflix becomes a tool for relaxation, self-education, and cultural enrichment, rather than an escape from responsibility.
Religious Stage: The highest stage in Kierkegaard’s philosophy involves a leap of faith—embracing something beyond the material and the mundane. Applying this notion to our interaction with Netflix, we might consider how engagement with profound films, thought-provoking documentaries, and spiritual content can inspire and elevate us. In this stage, our consumption becomes an act of deeper existential reflection and connection.
Kierkegaard asserts that true meaning in life requires a personal leap of faith, a subjective commitment rather than reliance on external validations. When we turn to Netflix, we should leap beyond mindless consumption and instead actively seek content that resonates with our own experiences and beliefs. This might involve choosing documentaries that deepen our understanding of life’s complexities, or films that grapple with existential questions that mirror our own inquiries.
Kierkegaard warned against the “crowd,” where individuality is lost in conformity and mediocrity. Netflix’s algorithms often push trending shows and popular series, encouraging a homogenised viewing experience. To honour Kierkegaard’s philosophy, we should resist the pull of the crowd and curate our own distinctive viewing habits. Choose not merely based on popularity, but on what genuinely sparks curiosity, growth, and self-discovery. Seek the road less trodden, guided not by the masses but by your inner compass.
Kierkegaard spoke of “despair” as a state in which one is not living in alignment with their true self. Excessive or unreflective Netflix consumption can lead to such despair—a life evading deeper existential quests, engrossed in endless distractions. Authenticity arises when we recognise and confront our existential condition, aligning our actions (even our viewing habits) with our true self. Thus, be mindful of your engagement with Netflix and let it serve as a reflection of your authentic being.
In embracing the wisdom of Kierkegaard, let us navigate Netflix not as passive spectators but as active participants in our existential journey. Balance pleasure with responsibility, select choices that reflect our true selves, and seek content that elevates rather than numbs our experience of life. In every click, every show, transcend the mere aesthetic and aspire towards ethical and perhaps even spiritual dimensions, making your engagement with Netflix a harmonious part of your existential quest.